Friday, December 21, 2012

of christmasy things

As christmas rolls around this year I'm feeling good about things. The kids are home, happy that school is finished, and enjoying all the anticipation that is the build up to christmas. The tree, which now has it's lights turned on. is highly exciting for our littlest one, and I admit that it brings me back to that glittery, fantasy land of childhood with their vivid imaginations.

The kids made their first, and my first ever, gingerbread house. I know I go on about making things from scratch, but this house wasn't. Not this year anyway. For the grand price of six dollars in the local Aldi. We made up the icing which went in the new piping bag (that cost far more than the cake itself, thus making it not quite so economical afterall) and I let the kids put the whole thing together. It wasn't so scary and perhaps next year we will attempt our own, from scratch.  We joked that it looked like our old house, a little A-Frame. Perhaps I will show you some pictures one day.

I received some lovely mail (beautifully wrapped too, I might add) in the form my second ornament from the swap. A beautiful rustic rose dusted with what I can describe as a "frosting" and backed onto red crochet. Traveling over the ocean and lovingly made by Christina of From the Hearth Room. Thank you Christina! It will adorn our tree for many years to come.

As I prepare to make some grocery lists, and conjure up some last minute gift ideas (while letting go of other ideas for perhaps another year), I'm feeling more happy and relaxed than I have in the past few weeks. I'm hoping to hold onto that feeling as other preparations are made, guests come and go and we are all together, uninterrupted by the usual demands of work and school. We can only hope!

Hoping that your preparations are going well for you.


  1. It's such a nice feeling when everyone finishes school, you can breathe a little easier and relax a little more. My girls wanted to make a gingerbread house too instead I got out of it and we made gingerbread men instead which ended up being pretty messy but fun for them. Enjoy the last of your Christmas making. I love the Christmas lights too I put them on through the day sometimes too:) x

  2. Your gingerbread house is cute! I saw kits for them in Coles the other day and thought they would be fun for kids to do :-)
    Those pressies look pretty, although poor Santa must have been feeling the heat!

    Enjoy Christmas with your family, and wishing you a great New Year!

  3. I think your gingerbread house looks as though it was made very lovingly. This week has been rather relaxed and peaceful here too, and while there's been lots of ideas I've had of things to make and do that we haven't gotten around to, we're all looking forward to the 25th with much excitement in our household too x

  4. I am so glad that you're over the busy bits and are able to relax a little more now. It always feels so good when the kids can just be with you after school finishes. I love the look in your little man's eyes as he takes in the wonder of his Christmas tree. Wishing you all the merriest of Christmasses and a wonderful and joyful holiday!

  5. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Tania.I love your snowflake garland and I absolutely ADORE the mugs you did in your last Post - amazing!! Mel x

  6. So glad your ornament finally made it! I love the mugs you made and the sweet gingerbread house. Fun! xo

  7. loving that gingerbread house! I've never made one either!!! Happy Christmas - all the best with your baking and'll so wonderful! Enjoy your family and the festive season xx

  8. We have made the Aldi gingerbread house in the past, it's a good one. This year we tried the Woolworths one and apparently it tastes pretty yuck (I'm GF so haven't tried it). Yours looks cute. I tried one from scratch once but couldn't get it to stand up, it collapsed!
    Wishing you and your family a lovely relaxing Christmas!

  9. I hope you had a lovely Christmas with your family. I also thought your Decorated mugs were amazing.

  10. Oh my! The gallery wall of child art makes my heart sing :) x


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