Monday, November 21, 2011

wandering drive

Another Sunday, another drive. Though we did get a little ahead of ourselves. Perhaps a quick drive into our neighbouring mountains with a sleeping baby and no map was not such a good thing. Because sleeping babies do wake up eventually and sometimes are very grumpy to find themselves still in the car. No map can lead you far, far into the mountains with no real idea of where you are really heading.

Eventually we came to a risky river crossing with mossy, slippery rocks and a soft sandy bottom. Luckily we had the sense to turn around despite the belief that home was just over the next mountain.  Which for now remains a mystery. So we returned home, most of the day gone, but with a mixed feeling of adventure, tiredness and relief to be home.

How was your weekend?


  1. Ours was an attempt to keep cool and out of the sweltering 35C in Sydney.

  2. I remember taking such a drive not long after we had baby..I was so disoriented with where we were that I swore we were gonna end up on the Sth Australian boarder. Needless to say that would have taken hours, literally, but I was so freaked out at getting lost that we back tracked quick smart. I love exploring new territories but prefer to have a map at hand :)


  3. Heheh, cute little story. That kind of thing happens to us all :)

  4. I read about your driving adventures with a bub in tow and always think you are so brave and must have soooo much patience! We have hardly been anywhere lately as the twins both seem to hate the car...hopefully that will change!
    Glad you made it home in one peace!
    We spent the weekend with lots of water play and fun in the shade to escape the heat...i don't recommend working in the vegie patch in middle of day because bubs sleeping...what a mistake that was!
    Jode x

  5. "a mixed feeling of adventure, tiredness and relief to be home." - Sounds just perfect!

  6. I love driving adventures:) The scenery is beautiful wherever you are. ~ barefoot mama


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