Life can sometimes see you pulled in a million different directions. But this is not always unpleasant if these many different directions are what make us tick and indeed thrive. With the coming long weekend there are lots of things to think about. Food to cook for hungry hordes. Remembering where that hot cross bun recipe has gone to. The wrap up of this school week. Sports carnivals to attend, Easter hats to make (thank you Daniel) and a parade to attend. Yes, it feels as if there is so much to do. But it is all good for the main part. Even if a little exhausting at times. Then there are what you could call the lesser or negotiable essentials. Saurkraut to make, family cow keeping reading (quite fascinating!), kefir making and rows of knitting to squeeze in. Life is certainly busy. The house needs a good thorough clean. The garden needs constant watering during this mini heat wave. Sometimes I struggle with priorities, but priorities can be a subjective thing. It is the tricky balance of not only attending to the needs of the family and those in surrounding circles, but also the needs of yourself.
So I will make that extra batch of saurkraut today. I will sit down for a little while and read about the advantages of night time locking up of calves. I might finish knitting that sleeve. I will try not to feel guilty. Because sometimes we need to do the activities that make us tick. That somehow make us more capable of getting the bigger stuff done. After that extra cup of coffee.
I hope that you too can make a little time for the "lesser" activities today.
Wishing everyone a happy and joyful Easter.