Saturday, June 18, 2011


chinese cough medicine instructions (I know!)

freshly washed thrifted hangers

a little sewing... rediscovering the fun of baby sewing

pretty plates

I do hope you are all having a most enjoyable weekend.


  1. Wishing you a great weekend Tania.

    Gotta love those coat hangers. I have some similar. I think one of my first experiences at knitting was making these and putting them in the local show. The old plates are lovely...

    I have been a slave to the kitchen most of today. Cooking up some meals and cake for hubby to take away. He goes away for a few days, driving the big freight trains across the nullabor to a place called Cook.

    Happy sewing,


  2. what pretty hangers! That's my boys favorite cough medication, they licked it clean every time, try it with warm water, it's good.


  3. I enjoyed the most wonderful afternoon with a group of friends and look forward to spending a bit of time crafting this evening.

    Have a wonderful weekend Tania.


  4. It looks like you are having a very good start to your lovely weekend. We had every intention of getting up early this morning to go pick black berries but ended up sleeping a full 8 hours and this is after taking not one but two naps yesterday. I think that Scott and I are both battling a bug of some sort. Here's to the weekend being MUCH healthier!

  5. Ah the simple things in life... Hope you're having a relaxing sunday. x

  6. I am loving those chinese medicine instructions!!

  7. The plates are lovely. In fact, your blog is lovely too - I love visiting! Nic x


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