Monday, October 15, 2012

out and about - canberra

Next month Luca will be ten. Ten! I can't quite believe that my baby boy will soon be in double digits. It doesn't seem like a decade ago that I was just 23, attending midwives appointments, excitedly washing newborn sized blue clothes and putting up by expanded feet (that never did go quite back to their pre baby size) all during one of the pleasantest, balmy Springs that I can remember.

After a rather large party last year, and no real desire (on the parenting end) to repeat the experience, we asked Luca what he would like to do for the day.

So that's how we ended up spending a day out in our nearest city, catching the lift up to the viewing platform of Telstra Tower. It was the height of excitement for this tower obsessed boy of ours. From lego tower building, to memorising heights and statistics, to drawing comparison graphs, it is definitely one of his biggest hobbies.

Last stop was an impromptu visit to Cockington Green, which all, even little Violet, seemed to enjoy. It seems very like how I remembered it as a four year old, and as an adult I enjoyed the tranquil gardens and quaint little English cottages. It seems you never really grow out of some things.

Which is really one of the best things about these kind of days. Being out and about and seeing interesting things that you don't see everyday, you start to relive some of that childhood spark and excitement, and see things fresh through their eyes.


  1. Both parts of your adventure sound like lots of fun. Cohen would love the tower side of things too, though I would be happy to get lost in those gardens. They look delightful, and so does your little red riding hood and your tiny tea leaves. :)

  2. I love the gardens and the cute little cottages. As much as I enjoy going to the bigger cities for holidays now, I love coming back home and think I appreciate home that little bit more. Elaina

  3. Looks like a fantastic day out!

  4. Looks like a good time was had by all. :)

  5. I know what you mean how quickly those years fly by. My eldest recently turned 12 & I still vividly remember her as a wee baby. looks like your boy had a splendid day:)

  6. sounds like a perfect birthday for him. Makes me *gulp* at the thought of my eldest being 10 one day.

  7. what a delightful way to spend a day and celebrate your son's birthday! love the photos of all the sights that you enjoyed on the day. Have a great rest of your week Tania x

  8. What a perfect way to spend a birthday!

  9. I remember going to Cockington Green when we did our big week long Canberra excursion in Year 10!

  10. What a wonderful day! Happy birthday to your sweet boy! Oh those flowers are extra amazing...maybe that's because we are deep into the browns and oranges of autumn here.

  11. Looks like a great day:)

    I too went to Cockington Green when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I loved it, but I had completely forgotten about it. Your for photos brought it all back in an instant. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.


  12. I read a lot but don't comment. These photos are stunning! I would love to live where you do.


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